Articles & blogs

De.Trybe’s articles and blogs range from trauma bonding to setting boundaries in the workplace, to debunking the harmful myths around sexual harassment and assault. As survivors you will gain information and insights into your own experiences, and further your healing journey. Understanding your experience is a huge step towards self-compassion and healing. As an ally you will gain a deeper understanding of the impacts and complexities of workplace sexual harassment and assault.
The growing pandemic of online sexual harassment in the workplace

The growing pandemic of online sexual harassment in the workplace

When we think of harassment in the workplace, it’s easy to imagine situations that may occur in a physical office. ...
How to deal with online sexual harassment in your organisation

How to deal with online sexual harassment in your organisation

Sexual harassment at the workplace has reached critical levels in the transition towards online work. Online abuse ...
It’s time – What companies must do now

It’s time – What companies must do now

With the resignation of Marc Overmars, coming hot on the heels of the allegations against the Voice, the reality ...
What is trauma bonding after abuse, and how to recognise it?

What is trauma bonding after abuse, and how to recognise it?

When abuse happens – whether emotional, physical or sexual – the person at the receiving end of it changes. A loss ...
How to be an ally to someone who is being harrassed

How to be an ally to someone who is being harrassed

Workplace harassment and abuse are difficult and challenging issues to contend with, even if you are witnessing it ...
Boundary setting – Dating a colleague

Boundary setting – Dating a colleague

As part of our series on boundary-setting in the workplace, we wanted to cover every aspect of the workplace - ...
How to set boundaries with your supervisor

How to set boundaries with your supervisor

Setting boundaries at work and with supervisors has always been a contentious subject. We’ve been told, ...
How to set boundaries in the workplace

How to set boundaries in the workplace

Work holds a strange place in our life. While some of us make it a large part of our lives, and others keep it ...
Abuse of power and sexual assault

Abuse of power and sexual assault

The allegations of sexual abuse and abuse of power levied against personnel members on the TV show, The Voice of ...
The Great Resignation –  What does it mean for women

The Great Resignation – What does it mean for women

Like every cliche article written in the last two years, this one will start off the same way - the pandemic has ...
To the women who want Joe from You as their boyfriend

To the women who want Joe from You as their boyfriend

When it comes to pop culture, it’s often hard to distinguish reality from fiction. We’ve all done it, where we’ve ...
Rape myths – stories that create violence

Rape myths – stories that create violence

The stories we tell ourselves and others about rape and healthy sexuality shape the reality that women worldwide ...
Childhood trauma and the modern workplace

Childhood trauma and the modern workplace

Childhood trauma often affects victims well into adulthood. Whether emotional or physical, abusive environments ...
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