How to set boundaries with your supervisor

How to set boundaries with your supervisor

Setting boundaries at work and with supervisors has always been a contentious subject. We’ve been told, conditioned even to believe that we have to give work our everything. Boundaries? That’s meaningless. It’s all about being connected 24/7, giving work your...
How to set boundaries in the workplace

How to set boundaries in the workplace

Work holds a strange place in our life. While some of us make it a large part of our lives, and others keep it compartmentalized, Considering it’s where we spend a majority of our time, it’s easy to let boundaries blur in the workplace. We want to be seen as...
The Great Resignation –  What does it mean for women

The Great Resignation – What does it mean for women

Like every cliche article written in the last two years, this one will start off the same way – the pandemic has changed everything – from the way we live to the way we work. And with that shift in work, there has been a growing restlessness among...
Rape myths – stories that create violence

Rape myths – stories that create violence

The stories we tell ourselves and others about rape and healthy sexuality shape the reality that women worldwide live in every day. It’s often easy to blame sexual violence on evil or disturbed individuals, but rapists are often people that are close to victims, and...
Childhood trauma and the modern workplace

Childhood trauma and the modern workplace

Childhood trauma often affects victims well into adulthood. Whether emotional or physical, abusive environments force children to adapt to unhealthy situations – this happens while children are only just developing their sense of independence and personality....